I. love. to. cook.
I. just. don't. do. it. often. enough.
Well, tonight I did. But two stories first.
Story 1.
Today, people don't think twice about going to a restaurant for dinner. If you go back to the seventies & eighties (when I grew up), going out to eat was a novelty...a really treat! We had several favorite restaurants that I went to with my family. Pizza Inn...Williamsburg Square...Furr's or Wyatt's Cafeteria (I adored the assembly line format to get your food!).
Mostly though, we stayed at home and mom would cook for us. She was good like that.
(Mom- do you remember those awful vegetable pancakes? I will never forget those.)
I remember my Mom's homemade pizza the most. You know why? Because I would eat the crust and my sis would eat all the toppings. We were quite the team! and mom NEVER complained about that. Now my sis and I? We would complain about the fennel seeds Mom insisted on putting on the pizza. Boy, we were awful (not the same awful as the veggie cakes).
So as I made dinner tonight I thought of my mom and her pizza. Thank you for taking such good care of us!
Here was dinner...

...and here it was NOT!
Story 2.
My Granny, she pretty much rocks. I don't think there is anything that she has cooked that I haven't liked...well, there may be a few congealed salads that I have chosen to block from my brain.
She. makes. the. best. cinnamon. rolls.
So of course I thought of my Granny tonight when I needed to figure out how to use the rest of the dough left over from the pizza.
So in honor of the two women in my life that have shaped me the most...
Cass. Cooks. Tonight. For. You. Both.
Wish you were here to enjoy it.