Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Christmas Cookies...

One more reason why I love this holiday. I LOVE to bake. Love it! Something my mom never discouraged me to do. Though she was always right behind me cleaning up the kitchen for that 'invisible' sticking layer. (Hi Mom! I know that sticky layer still exists today after I am done...heehee)

Well this year I went ALL OUT...and I am not done. So far ALL of the cookies have been good.

peanut butter...
...sugar cookies...
...crispy chocolate chip...
...chocolate walnut...
...oatmeal raisin...
...even english toffee.

I thought I was going to stir my arm off for the last one.

Now I still have Banana Bread to make and my signature 'Neiman Marcus $500 Cookies...oh yeah, and these great little peanut butter sandwich cookies too! I will have everyone successfully fattened up to look just like Santa!

HO HO HO to every baker out there!


Connie said...

Is that a photo of your cookies? If so they are absolutely beautiful...too good to eat!

Ace said...

Looks (and sounds) yummy!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

thanks, Now I am totally hungry for cookies!

{Kimber} said...

could I be your neighbor? cuz I ♥ cookies but the baking...errr not so much!