Sunday, February 28, 2010

I made...

...Chicken Vegetable Soup! With only a couple Modifications...

1.) I am not a big fan of onions (unless they are fried...but that does not work on diet land) so those were removed...

2.) Then there was the zucchini. Really? Why would I put THAT in a soup? (Now zucchini bread is another story, but soup?) So I substituted corn, which is much more palatable for me.

AND...voila! 2-point soup (Weight Watchers)


Stay tune, because I will be cooking ALL week. Too bad I forgot to take a picture of the Orange Scented Strawberry French Toast this morning. It was yummy too.


{Kimber} said...

I love soup!! so yummy!

{love your new header pic too!}

Unknown said...

It looks yummy but I would have gone with the zucchini.