Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Autumn is back (almost)...oh, and so am I

6 MONTHS...has it really been that long? I guess it has...

I know everyone hopes I have a great story, about how I was off saving the world, or going on a tour of (insert name of exotic country here). Truth is, I was tired. That's it!

So what did I do?
  1. I visited my family... in Arkansas (gasp, it is hot)
  2. I sent my oldest baby off 1200 miles to his grandparents for 3 weeks. (hard!)
  3. I took a spa weekend with my girlfriends...
  4. I went on a million couple diets...
  5. I booked a trip to Hawaii...
  6. Started running again...

What did I accomplish?
  1. Jarred some old memories and found out that I could live in the South and the heat again. (But I will always be liberal so that doesn't work so well)
  2. I lost 8 lbs...just 22 a few more to go.
  3. I am tan...that is saying a lot for the girl who was nicknamed 'Snow White' in school.
  4. I signed up for my first race in 9 months. Aflac Iron Girl...can't wait!

So get ready, I am back and you will hear me roar again!

Night all...

1 comment:

{Kimber} said...

well I for one am glad you are back!!! yay on the 8 lbs and for being tan...I am STILL Casper over here!!