Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School...

This Cute Little Boy...
...is now on his way to becoming...
...a full time Kindergartener!
Who can already read and write {so proud!}

Cade is now a 3rd Grader...

{Insert Photo of Cade as a Monkey here}

...and I would have a picture...

{Insert Photo of Cade as a bouncing ball here}

...if this little boy...

{Insert Photo of Cade as a jackhammer here}

...wasn't missing the first day because of a stomach virus!

Stay tuned for Cade's photos tomorrow...

1 comment:

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Oh, congrats on starting kindergarten! Poor Cade! Actually, missing the first day is good, all we do is talk and go over rules.