Monday, October 6, 2008

Seattle Night Out...

Tonight was a celebration evening for my team. We went to this wonderful restaurant up on Capitol was like being in the Soho District of NYC. SMALL space with BIG atmosphere. The food was pre-fix. Now as most of you know I am a picky, picky eater- But with wine my palette becomes less discernible and I ate EVERYTHING... liver pate' crostini, ricotta cheese & anchovy crostini, beet salad (sorry but this tasted like dirt) ,prosciutto with pickled peppers & crusty bread, rabbit & radicchio salad, rabbit flanks sauteed with baked peppers, and finally every type of 80% cacao possible...The meal and the wine were wonderful, but the company was the best.

Work is tolerable most of the time, but when I get to work with such wonderful people and friends it becomes truly enjoyable. Plus it doesn't hurt that we are all motivated by food. Cole Haan has appreciative enough of the team to send along a beautiful key chain to us all along with a 50% coupon for their store. FINALLY- I can afford a pair of their shows.
Off to sleep to enjoy my food coma.

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