Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today was one of those days that changes us all. One of those days we don't want to think about or experience too many time in our lives. Today was one of those days that makes you re-center yourself, and remind yourself what is important in life and what is just water under the bridge.

Thank you Mom and Rod for knowing when I can talk and when I need to hang up the phone. Thank you for understanding that after 35 years I still get all awkward when placed in emotional situations. Thank you for being the best parents anyone could ask for, and for being parents that I can only hope to deserve someday.

My Grandmother Jackie passed away today...and I just feel numb with sadness. I am so thankful that I got to see her less than 1 month ago, and that it was a good day for her. I am thankful that she got to see Morgan one last time and experience his never ending energy. I am thankful I got to say goodbye and kiss her on the cheek. I am thankful that her family came together and was at her side everyday for the past 6 months. And finally, I am thankful that she had such a full life and she was ready.

Most of all though, I am thankful that I have a StepDad that was more of a Father to me than my Dad ever was to me. That he is such a strong Man and so kind and loving. I am thankful that he was with Grandma Jackie, holding her hand when she closed her eyes. I love you Rod.



The Mom behind the Chaos said...

I am so sorry for your loss. May God continue to comfort you and your family in this time!
Lots of love to you my friend!!

Katrina and Chris said...

Cassandra - I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. - Love, Katrina