Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Thoughts...

I am in the mood... whether they are happy thoughts or simple pleasures, I felt the need to make a list- a HAPPY list-tonight...here it is in no special order!

  1. Fudge bars
  2. Loose jeans, as opposed to tight jeans before
  3. After 12 years - the best annual performance review EVER!
  4. Knee hugs from my boys
  5. Diet Pepsi
  6. Knowing there is now less of me to love!
  7. The word 'nummy'
  8. Running
  9. Sookie Stackhouse books (go ahead, I know you are going to google this!)
  10. Ski Season is getting close!
  11. Big, dark sky with lots of stars
  12. First Day of Second grade
  13. A clean kitchen
  14. Red Vines, Red Vines, Red Vines {sigh}
  15. Listening to my 4 year old read books to himself

Hope you have some happy thoughts today as well!


{Kimber} said...

what a great list!!! and a great idea...I may have to 'borrow' it :)

Ashley said...

LOVE the Sookie series. I thought I'd finished them all when I learned there's a #8 and #9! Great list, Cass.