Saturday, October 17, 2009

An Award...

Thank you Ace, for the award back on....ummm... October 6th! I am a little behind.

So here are 10 honest things about myself that probably only my mom and husband know...Let's be honest ~ this is going to be hard, probably embarassing, and some of the items are from almost twenty years ago!

1. When I read a book, I don't always start at the beginning...and I always know how it's going to end. Call it impatience, I am fine with that.

2. In high school I use to sneak 3-4 Schwann's strawberry fruit pops up to my room at a time...I stashed them in the waist band of my pants!

3. I love to grocery shop. I even have a pre-printed grocery list (that I made myself, and it's organized according to the rows in my store). I only have to check a box if I need to pick it up at the next visit.

4. I sneak candy, popcorn and diet pepsi into the movie theatre with me quite often.

5. I love romance novels...they are like candy and I don't have to think!

6. I ran 100m hurdles in high school and still hold some records. Best time was 14.85 seconds. I high jumped in college. That lasted 1 short year. Reason? I couldn't excel for a coach that I couldn't respect...I never realized at the time that this would by true in everything I do in life!

7. I hate to argue. Probably why my husband and I are such a good match.

8. I could never be a stay at home mom. I love my boys too much to put them through that. Some of you may disagree and I am okay with that, but for me ~ I need time away from them for myself so that when I am with them I am at my best. They need the time away from me as well.

9. My 7 year old still climbs into bed with me and Bob every night. My four year has never done this. Secretly, I am going to be sad when he no longer needs his mommy.

10. I moved to Denver, CO in 1996 without knowing anyone except my husband (boyfriend at the time & attending University of Colorado-Boulder). On my trip to interview for jobs I was honked at and flipped off by another car. I was so shaken I had to pull over and I started crying. I knew right then I had to be tougher...Now, in 2009 ~ I can let ANYTHING roll off my back. Is this good? maybe not, but if I cry its for something serious and never trivial...

Honestly speaking...


Grandma P said...

Oh I'm so glad to hear you don't start a book at the beginning and read through to the end - how boring. You usually know how it's going to end anyway. Good luck on your race tomorrow.

Ace said...

Good for you enjoying working and time for yourself too. I, on the other hand, am so freakin' glad my temp job is over now. I'm not the dress up/corporate office type person and had so much stress when I was working. I'm so happy to be back where I belong, at home! I have so much MORE respect for working moms now!

{Kimber} said...

isn't being honest great!?
I gotta tell ya...I'm needing some help with the shopping list thing! I wander around like a goose in a hail storm and forget half the things I went for!!!