Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ninjas and the Great Pumpkin...

Bob told them to smile [He's my joker!]...and you can actually tell that Morgan is!
Off and running...this energy ran low once their costumes were damp with the rain...
and finally, ninjas get candy from a really master.
In our home we have a tradition ~ Not unlike the Easter Bunny, we have another magical beast known in our part of the country as The Great Pumpkin. Each year the boys leave out their candy, and the next morning the candy has vanished. It the candy's place is a toy for each boy. They love it! Don't worry, we do let them keep 10 pieces and they select each piece verrrrrrrrrrrrrry carefully.

If you are wondering where the candy travels to work where I force all of my teammates to eat it.

Til next year...


Connie said...

Love the Ninjas....miss you guys!

{Kimber} said...

cute ninja's!!
that is a great idea about the candy...cuz this am I am stressing out over what to do with it all!!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Very sweet ninjas. I consider myself to be a bit of a plump ninja. A plump, nonflexible ninja.
I always take 3/4 of my kids candy and bring it to school. Treats for my students!