Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jack-O-Lanterns & Jackie-O-Lanterns...

Another Year for carving... and believe it or not I actually carved a pumpkin as well. Of course I wore gloves because they are way, way, way to slimy for me.

Cade's first pumpkin...all by himself, no help from anyone. Personally I am so impressed. He handled the scopes, the guts the knives with ease. Or at least I think he did ~ I wasn't actually there when he did it. the expert. Every year Bob does a 'collection' of jack-o-lanterns. Just like they say in the movies ~ an ensemble cast of characters. Sure they can stand on their own...but they are much better as a whole.

Now for mine [look far right...yep], mine is the one with the stupid grin. Say what you will, but I am a happy girl, therefore my Jackie-o-lantern [yes! My pumpkin is female.]has to express my personality.

I end it with the 'fireworks' setting on my camera. WHAT? Where did that little boy come from and why, why, why does he have a croquette mallet???? We may never know.

Good Night from Jack & Jackie...

1 comment:

Connie said...

You guys do a great job...very talented!