Monday, October 5, 2009

I love October...

There are so many things to love about this month!
candy and fake spiders...
lots of fun costumes...
The only day during the year my door bell rings and I am NOT afraid to answer it (is anyone else like this???)
decorations and fun baked goods...
Reading Spookly, the Square Pumpkin and Pumpkin Soup...
Cooler Weather...
Jumping into piles of fallen leaves...
Apple Desserts and Apple Cider...
Pumpkin Patches..
You can't tell me all of the above doesn't get you excited for the start of the Holiday Season! (Well, except for the whole door thing...that my issue and I am working on it.)
It's coming fast so hold on tight and enjoy it while it lasts!


Ace said...

something for you on my blog!

Connie said...

I love October days, football, mums, pumkins, leaves changing colors and my favorite the special shadows that only belong to fall.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Um, not so much love from me, but I enjoyed YoUr list!