Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Pile of Cheese...

So tonight was a Dining Out Night for the Rowan's. We decided to go with Cade's Choice - Old Spaghetti Factory (aka OSF in our home) - over Mojo's choice of McD's... not a tough choice in our eyes.

So Morgan LOVES cheese, ALL cheese. He has a new pattern everytime we go to OSF or Pagliacci's Pizza. He creates a Mound of Parmesan Cheese on his plate and dives in - not with his hands or utensils though... He does this dunkin' for apples style without hands and comes up with cheese on the tip of his nose to the end of his chin. So charming.

So next time you are out and you grab the Parmesan Cheese, just remember that Mojo would love to be with you helping you to create the perfect pile of cheese!

Dive in Cheese lovers...

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