Sunday, September 14, 2008

Meadowdale County Park Beach...

We felt like a challenge today, and that is what we got! The Meadowdale County Park Trail has finally reopened after the storm damage back in December that caused the trail to just wash away in huge sections. The boys walked ALL THE WAY DOWN by themselves - No shoulder or piggyback rides needed.

We saw huge sections of mushroom growth on the trials and could hear the far away whistle of the trains down at the beach. A salmon stream weaves back and forth under the trail which the boys really enjoyed viewing. Once we finally arrived at the Beach the boys were CHARGED! Shoes off, Crocs on, and off they went. Bob and I divided and conquered as I chased Morgan and he chased Cade.

The walk back up was more challenging as they were tired. We played the cartoon character name game from A-to-Z which helped keep their mind off how tired they were. Morgan did not ask to be held until the last 2 inclines which was impressive. His little legs just gave out.

The things they say that can break our hearts:
Morgan: "Mommy, your not my friend anymore." Mommy:"That's okay Morgan, because I am still your mother." (this was all because he wanted to eat an ENTIRE bag of colored Goldfish)

Cade and the Mushrooms

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