Monday, February 2, 2009

Not Me Monday...

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This fantastic idea was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to check out what other just like me have not been doing over the past 7 hectic days.

I did not walk into the bathroom and have to put the toilet seat down and flush the toilet 14 times this week just because my boys can't seem to grasp the concept that I could fall-in without that seat! And I really did not count the times on purpose- that would just be anal.

I would not even consider eating Jimmy John's 2 days in a roll. that would destroy my Weight Watcher points...for the next two weeks! NEVER would I do that. (those Vinegar chips were NOT good...not at all.) And after all was said and done, I did not lose weight for me cheating ways either...cause that would mean I learned NOTHING!

I did not learn how to Hula Hoop on WiiFit while my husband snickered and my boys smiled. Hint...It is NOT easier to do it virtually than it is in real life. I mean come on- I Hula Hoop with 5 hoops around my hips everyday...its called raising small boys!

I did not buy Morgan an Ed Hardy t-shirt at The Rack. I mean, who buys designer clothing for a 3 year old? I am not THAT mother. Oh yeah, and it is not blue at all which is Morgan's favorite color.

I did not give Cade, my hyperactive 6 year old, donuts on both Saturday and Sunday this week becasue I am never that lazy.

I can't believe someone would think that I went into work at 4:00am to try and get some work done before going home at 7:00am to be with a sick little boy. That is just way too early and I am not a dedicated employee.

I am not worried about the current state of the economy and remaining employeed. That would just cause me undue stress. (sigh...)

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