Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sometimes my book choices are mistakes...

So this book looked innocent enough.

It teaches a great message on how to be creative with the choices you are given and thinking 'outside' of the box. The only problem is that one, teensy-weensy, itty-bitty, tiny word... ain't.

Can I tell you how many times this week I said, "We Do not use that word in our home. You are to use proper english." Now as many times as I said that- my boys said this, "Mommy, it's not a bad word though!" How do you argue that point?

So here is my free advice for the day- DON'T borrow this book unless you are prepared to face the consequences. I don't regret reading provide some funny moments this week...

Sassy- I dare you to read this one to your boys :oP. hee hee.

Love you all,

1 comment:

The Mom behind the Chaos said... know I am a bit competitive right. I don't turn down dares easily!

I will go find it..only because the littlest one needs some encouragement NOT to cut and mark all over...clothes...and himself, and the bedsheets and his clothes..did I mention that one already??

You're too funny...I will find a good get even book! :O)