Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me Monday

It's another Not Me! Monday! The blog carnival masterminded by MckMama. If you have some time on your hands, you can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I would never even consider cleaning off all of the mustard on Morgan's ham with a paper towel when he proclaimed, "I don't like mustard, Mommy."

I did not utter the words, "Cade, don't ever pee on your brother." while they were taking a co-shower. I mean, come on, boys don't do that kind of stuff. Do they?

I did not laugh my head off and proclaim to my wonderful husband that I am SO glad we did not have a girl when I read the definition to the word, "prosti-tot" which refers to little girls that have been dressed scantily by their mothers.

Did you know that a string cheese stick works really well when you find yourself without a spoon to eat your yogurt at the zoo? Of course, I wouldn't know this at ALL- I would never do THAT!

What type of mom gives her children popcorn at 9:30am in the morning? Not Me!

Enjoy your Not Me! Moments this upcoming week. I am always surprised to see how many I have by Sunday night!

1 comment:

Mrs. M said...

Good tip with the spoon. Prosti-tot, I've not heard that one before, but visions of pageant moms pop into my head. :-)