Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This and Thats for the Week...

Oh how I laughed yesterday. And I immediately picked up the phone to ring my Mom and make her laugh too.

Words of a 7th Grade Girl in art class (circa. 1986)
"Mom everyone around me got moved today because they wouldn't stop talking to me."

Ohhhh. We all know I, I mean 'the girl', was the one talking, but the teacher didn't want to hurt my, I mean her, feeliongs so she moved everyone away so I, again I meant 'the girl', would stop talking to THEM!

Words of a 1st Grade Boy in gym (circa. 2009)
"Mom, the radio fell when I was standing next to it."

Ohhhh. What he is not saying- Yes! it fell, but it was because I was standing next to it AND I had the cord wrapped around my neck and my legs...

have a good night...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just logged on for the first time. What fun to see the pictures of the kids. Remind me to tell you about Bob and wanting to be the next Donnie Osmond. Grandma P