Saturday, April 18, 2009

Before 40 List- Number Two...

So did you miss 'My List of things to do before I turn 40' blog the past couple of weeks? Yeah, me too.

So without further delay here is...

Number Two:

'I will dye my hair blonde.'

Ohhhh boy oh boy! I am going to love this one. I will most likely have to do something about the eyebrows too. I really don't want to be that girl with the noticably big contrast. I know it's fake, but those strangers around me don't need to know.

So you are probably asking 'Why would you want to do that?' Sooooo, glad you asked.

(1) My husband has done it, so I can't be topped by him. Of course dear, you did shave your head too so that one you have won.
(2) I already dye my hair, so instead of brownish-red why not give blonde a try for kicks. They have more fun right???

and my favorite by far....

(3) I just want to freak everyone out and make them think I am having a mid-life crisis. And don't you dare tell me you weren't thinking the same thing when you began reading this post...

So there you have it - Number #2. Oh, and I am planning on having my list added to the sidebar soon so you all can see how crazy fun I can be! Really, I can.

And Jen- if you are out there lurking- you are so going to be holding my hand through this nutty number...

Here's to life and living it...

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