Monday, January 19, 2009

"Not Me" Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Oh- I am going to look forward to Monday's now! Here is everything I did not do this week...Hope you enjoy.

I did not let Cade climb in bed with me once this week, nope- no way- not once, twice, thrice, four times, five, six, not even seven times.

I did not give my Boys Chocloate Milk after Bob told them they couldn't have it.
Nor did I give them a snack after school because we all know that would ruin their dinner, AND Bob already said, "No more snacks." I would never hear of that!

I did not leave a clean, unfolded laundry pile in the living room for 5 days - uhuh- not me. I didn't even let Bob manuever the mountain of clothes looking for a clean t-shirts. That is not like me AT ALL.

I would NEVER let Cade play 15 minutes more of the Wii after I strictly said 30 minutes only! My heart did NOT break when Cade teared up because he got 9 'D' ratings in a row for Dance, Dance Revolution. I would never cry when my baby's feelings are hurt.

I did not go into Morgan's room to kiss him good night knowing that he would probably wake up as a consequence. Do you think I am crazy!

And lastly, I did not spend an hour in the doctors office for him to tell me it looks like my ski season has ended. I did not wish secretly that I had just carened into the bozo that was blocking my way to the lift line. I did not try repeatedly to get a hold of the radialogist three minutes after I left my appointment knowing good and well the referal won't be there yet to get a MRI! grrrr. I am not that impatient AT ALL!

That's it for Not Me Monday! Thank you Sassy for introducing me to ANOTHER great Blog idea and thank you for being so inspiring.


1 comment:

The Mom behind the Chaos said...

Hey sorry to hear about your knee!! Hope you are getting along okay!!

I do miss you and wished we lived closer!! I think our boys would have a great time together!! Maybe I can convince D to get a transfer!! :O)