Monday, January 26, 2009

'Not Me' Monday...

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not even think of laughing to myself when my 3 year snuck five cookies into his room to eat- and I did not start snickering when my sweetie of a husband told me he hid one underneath his blanket.

I did not laugh openly at my sweetie when he dropped his bruschetta on the table at Claim Jumpers..less than 1 minute after Cade DIDN'T spill his vanilla shake.

I would never consider going straight to the dictionary to find out if 'betwixt' truly is a word from the nursery rhyme 'Jack Sprat'. Who talks like THAT? Then I remembered, I don't need help making up words, that is something I 'DON'T' do everyday.

I did not see my sweet 3 year old Mojo pick up a piece of popcorn off the kitchen floor and then do nothing to stop him from eating it. What kind of parent do you think I am?

The cold I am currently feeding would never let me ramble on to my boss at work, and then look up to find her not staring at me with a smirk on her face. I did not sound like a cuckoo at work just because of a cold...never!

I did not eat a giant piece of chocolate cake with white chocolate icing at work. Weight Watcher would never let me do that and live to see my weigh decrease instead of increase.

I can't believe ANYONE would scream out loud at work when they find out their knee injury is only a sprain... I don't yell or even talk loud- ever!

I would never consider taking a paper towel and trying to 'yank' a loose tooth out of a 6 year olds mouth. That is just torturous- who would do that?

Lastly, I did not start tearing-up while listening to our 44th President deliver his anaugural speech- and I would never even consider believing that 'Hope can overcome Fear'.

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