Thursday, January 22, 2009

This and That's Thursday...

Thursday seems to be the day everything converges together with little "this and that's". So you get to read it and see it for what this day became.

Whooo Hooo- my knee injury is only a sprain; not torn meniscus or other tragedy. I can continue to ski with Cade, BUT I do need to ski like a 35 year old NOT a 15 year old...too bad.

My sweet step dad does NOT have to get his stomach operated on, only his esophagus...that's a big THANK YOU 'this'. Don't ask me to pronounce the procedure because I forgot as soon as my Mom told me. I am trying to 'remember' better, but I have a hard time remembering procedures named after doctor's AND that have more than 5 syllables!

Cade lost his second tooth; okay- between the two of us we actually PULLED the little booger out. The thing moved when he was breathing for goodness sakes. Turn your eyes if you get queasy at the sight of blood, there is a little in the photo.

Morgan helped make homemade pizza tonight; well he did it with our new 'easy crust' aka a flour tortilla. Sooooo easy and quick! He did manager to spread the sauce, sprinkle the cheese and add the pepperoni all by himself though.

Morgan learned that water stays IN the tub and not out. You learn quickly when your Mommy makes you clean up the mess! I wish I had a photo to is quite funny to watch a naked 3 year old slide across wet pergo floors on all fours trying to mop up AT LEAST a gallon of water.

Morgan trying on his 'virtual' clothes for tomorrow. The little crumbcake can't go to sleep unless I set out the 'empty people' for the next day. I would try to explain it, but in this case a picture IS worth a thousand words. I highly recommend this practice to all parents. My boys love to see the 'empty people' laying on their floor.

Well- I hope your "this and that's Thursday" was as enjoyable as mine.

Night Night...

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