Monday, May 18, 2009

Mouth watering...

So I have been a mother for 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 years now. WOW!

Let's rewind back to before children. Back to a time when we use to cook and eat GOOD food at home. Now Bob and I still get the occasional nice meal out, but I am not talking about going out...I'm talking about eating in.

How many of you had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich this week?

How about sneaking a Dorito while fixing a school lunch?

What about eating a ham sandwich without crust?

Or even better, drank a juice box???

So, I have to believe it's not just me out there that isn't cooking as good as she or he did before children.

So tonight...I turned things around and it was easy.

Just throw together 1T olive oil, 2 shallots, 1T fresh thyme, 8-10 fresh basil leaves, 15-20 grape tomatoes, 15-20 shrimps, salt, pepper to taste and you have yourself a killer pasta sauce (low points too for you weightwatcher folks out there).

I mixed it with whole wheat pasta and voila'! It was mouth watering...

So I proved to myself that I can still cook good, tasty, healthy food that doesn't come in a box. Thank you very much! Oh and that is all mine! I made it up so if it sounds good I hope you try it.

I always wanted to be a foody...hopefully I can get there someday.

Happy Eating...

1 comment:

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Umm, I will stick with the pb&Jelly. that looks all complicated. You can come cook it for me at my house though@!