Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Monday...

Sheeeeeeee's Back!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

So everyone loves to weed their flower beds right? Yeah- me too. So I would never just go through my yard and remove all the dandelion heads BUT not the plant in fear that they are ready to turn to seed and fly away with the wind...thus mulitiplying. Nope- Not me! Then 3 days later I did not get indignant while I was talking to my neighbor across the fence and see 5 new yellow faces staring up at me. I mean really, I would have removed the plants by now. NOT ME!

I am one of those people who truly likes to grocery shop. I LOVE IT. And my favorite part about it is that I like to try to get everything in one trip so that I don't have to visit the store again for 7 whole days. So- I did NOT find myself in the grocery store this week six times. Nope not even seven times. I would never consider going more than twice a day- I mean that's poor planning right??? uh um...NEVER.

I did not start laughing at my boys when they turned their dinner Ham (or Turkey, depending on the boy) into a mustache. Nope- I sternly told them to STOP playing with their food like any sensible Mother.

And finally, I have always worked hard to get my boys in bed before 8:00pm even on the weekends. I would always chuckle at my friend when their children were still awake 1 to 2 hours after that time. So I would never find myself letting them go to bed around 10:00pm. Never- that would cause a total riff in their schedule. Not Me!

Go out and make your own Not Me moments. They are what makes us the fun loving, crazy mothers that we are...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved your post! I wish I could plan well and only grociery shop once a week! You should totally do a class on that, I would so participate!