Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Yes and No Session...

No, I did not watch Star Trek only once over the weekend. I watched it twice. It is so very good.
Yes, I did accidiently go to the wrong theater and ask for a ticket to Star Trek...I soooo spacy sometimes.

No, I do not let my youngest go into a Port-a-Potty by himself. He might actually touch something, or worse- fall in.
Yes, I did accidentally sit in the urinal part of the Port-a-Potty while helping my youngest. I assure you it is nasty.

No, I did not finish pulling all of the weeds out of my front bed. I did get two of the beds finished though.
Yes, I am extremely sore from it all- even my finger nails hurt.

No, I did not fold my laundry this weekend...well, I did get to it Sunday Night actually.
Yes, I did pile it on my bed before our cook-out to get it out of the living room- All five loads of it. It was an impressive mountain on the bed. I even showed my girlfriends because they do the same thing...well one of them does at least.

No, I have not finished my book for this month's book club meeting.
Yes, It is an absolutely awful book we are reading. If I read 10 pages a day I am proud. Why did I decide to do this when at heart I am just a cheap romance reader??? I mean I like vampires and wizards for goodness sake. Reading about poverty in India is sucking the life out of me.

No, I am not ashamed for feeding my youngest an entire pint of strawberries.
Yes, he was opening his mouth like a bird so that I could feed him. And Yes! He actually was making bird sounds...

No, I did not enjoy myself at Cade's open house at school. IT WAS CRAZY!!!! Two boys + me = stress
Yes, Cade did 'help' make the dragon as a gift to his school.

There you go! Enough No's and Yes's for one day...We are off on a bike ride.

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